Wednesday, October 31

Tunnel of Love

Team: Awesome Possum
Game: Tunnel of Love

Taylor Holoiday      #100422647
Alex Bedard-Reid   #100423694
Connor McCarthy   #100426175
Aaron Providence  #100429531
Mackenize Sturrup #100429591

The goal of the wedding proposal game is to convey the pacing and feel of the Isaac's Wedding Proposal viral video.  After brainstorming a few concepts we decided to give the player a semi-linear degree of freedom.  The level takes place in a straight hallway with several doors to each side.  The player is free to explore this hallway at their leisure, but the rooms unlock in a certain order, guiding the player to explore each one before progressing to the next.  The player in our game is 'the guide', and symbolizes the car moving in the video.

At the end of the hallway the final door leads to the final room.  This is where the wedding proposal takes places and all of the bride's friends are there waiting for her.  The individual rooms each contain a different memory of their relationship as highlighted in the video.  At the final door we feature our scripted npc movement and the culminating proposal.  The four critical events are: first meeting, first date, proclaiming love, and moving in together.

The game takes place in first-person perspective, with WASD for movement and space bar for jumping.  Moving the mouse will rotate the camera and clicking will interact with certain objects such as doors and the heart pieces.  The controls are simple to keep the player focused on exploring the scenery around them.

The game play in the Tunnel of Love is to simply collect the four heart pieces to unlock the final door and enable the wedding proposal to take place.  The pieces are generally easy to find but motivate the player to explore each room and observe the beauty within.  Upon reaching the final proposal, the player must collect the completed heart to activate the 'Will you marry me?' line, thus completing the wedding proposal.

Our level design goals for the Tunnel of Love were to capture the emotion of each relationship event and emphasize the atmosphere of each.  They serve as a timeline of Amy and Isaac's time together and lead up to the final wedding proposal.  By separating these into individual rooms, each room feels very distinct and memorable.  The hallway itself represents the linear path Amy takes in her journey to Isaac.  It guides her along taking her to the various memories along the way.  We planned to have Amy follow the player throughout the level but this feature did not make the final version.

The rooms do not literally convert the video's content but rather extrapolate the feeling of each to create a unique scenario displaying the interactions between Isaac and Amy.  The first meeting takes place in a serene park with the pair both feeding ducks on a bench.  This scene is calm and pleasant, focusing on the simplicity of the atmosphere.

The second room is a romantic restaurant scene in which the couple are enjoying a meal together.  This is their first official date and it focuses on the intimate atmosphere and closeness between the couple.  The third room is another romantic scene where the couple proclaims their love for each other.  It takes place on a breathtaking beach and the couple are alone, with no one but each other.  The final room features the couple moving in together; the next major step in their lives.  It is not as exciting or romantic, but it is a very important step for the couple so we included it in the game.

Once the player has collected the heart piece from each room, they may open the final door and let the wedding proposal proceed.  This is the end of the game, and coincides with the ending of the video.  The Tunnel of Love has very simple game play elements and focuses more the aesthetics and atmosphere of the couple's interactions.  It could be considered an art game because of these features.